As I made my way to the Toyota Arena parking lot, it had felt like a concert was going to take place with the number of people filling the lots and heading to the box office. I’ve had the privilege of attending a concert at the Toyota Arena before, and the same energy I felt then is what I was feeling now. I constantly had to remind myself that I wasn’t here for an ordinary concert, but that I was here for something far funnier. I was literally in for a night full of jokes and comedy. That’s exactly what a comedian like Franco Escamilla puts on when he takes the stage for his fans. I never would have imagined him selling out an arena here in Ontario, California, as he did that night. It’s no surprise of course with the fact that Franco Escamilla is a world sensation. I’ve always seen the crowds he sells out in Mexico, Latin America, and even Europe, but this was my first time seeing it with my own eyes here in California. I was impressed by his fan base truly showing up and coming to support him. Also, since this was my first comedy show, what better place to experience it than at the Toyota Arena?
As I made my way to my seat, the halls were flooded with people. I’ve heard of comedy shows at bars, but selling out an arena? This was truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience and showed me how big Franco Escamilla really is in the comedy world. As I anticipated laughing the night away and finally seeing the man I’ve watched on YouTube videos all my life, the lights went off, and the announcer started speaking over the speakers. The screen on the stage began to flash bright white, and you saw the numbers 1995 in neon letters. The more the lights flashed, the more I wondered why he named the tour 1995 and why it was so significant to the stage design. As my thoughts swirled, there he was, the man of the hour, Franco Escamilla. His outfit choice was a bit interesting compared to the shows I’ve watched on YouTube over the years. He came out in a Michael Jordan Chicago Bulls jersey, unlike his typical fedora or blazer, which made me laugh a bit early in the show. He came out to the front of the stage, banging his head, waving at his fans, and posing for photos as everybody in the arena went wild.

As he greeted the entire crowd, he began to explain why he named his show the 1995 tour. He spoke about how 1995 was a pivotal moment in his career and life when he finally felt and realized that his dreams were becoming a reality. He had things he couldn’t afford when he was younger, and in 1995, he felt he was living his dreams, albeit not fully. He noted that his jersey was important because, in 1995, Michael Jordan was not only his favorite basketball player but also the best player at the time, and he felt a connection with that. Apart from the countless funny jokes that night, this piece of information stuck with me throughout the show. Knowing Franco Escamilla’s career from when he first started at bars to selling out theaters and now arenas, it is very inspirational to see a Mexican comedian so successful across the globe. It was even more interesting to see that in 1995, when he could have been comfortable in his career, he wanted to do more and break more barriers. Here he was at the famous Toyota Arena, doing exactly that, selling out to an insanely packed crowd.

Franco’s comedy is great because he blends parts of his life with his humor and loves to call people out on theirs. One of my favorite moments was when he talked about his experience during the pandemic. He shared a story about his agent telling him that since shows couldn’t sell or go on tour, he should move to Los Angeles to audition for movies and TV shows. Franco opens up about moving his entire family to Los Angeles for this pursuit. Then he looks at the crowd and asks, “¿Cuántas películas me han visto en?” Asking how many movies they had seen him in. He then responds, “Ninguno, güey, no manches,” which means, “None, bro, don’t mess around with me.” His heavy Mexican accent and slang are key parts of his comedy, and this made the crowd laugh because not only did we not know he moved to Los Angeles to pursue acting, but we also didn’t know it wasn’t a success. He turned this into a funny story for his fans and a humorous piece of his show.
As the show continued with jokes about his teenage years, his early career as a comedian, and his life around 1995 when he was finally comfortable, we laughed uncontrollably all night as expected. Franco Escamilla is truly one of the greatest Mexican comedians of our time. For him to be performing at the iconic Toyota Arena was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that we might not see again. It’s rare for a Latino comedian to come to California and unite the Latino community for a night of laughter. Often, music artists from Latin countries do this, but for a comedian to successfully put on a show like this was truly historic. Franco Escamilla continues to show the world that he is here for the long haul, and his career is a legacy for all Mexican comedians, past and future. The Toyota Arena continues to host historic events like this one, selling out to thousands of Mexican fans across Los Angeles and the Inland Empire.