concatenation: june 2023

I’ve always felt very ready for whatever is about to happen in my life. Even if I can’t control the snowball of time, I’m fine just rolling with it. But something is different now. This school year went by so fast. I am daunted by the fact it could be gone so quickly, because I…

May Gray: Concatenation Pt. 5

Where I grew up, we always talked about “June Gloom.” It’s when the heat on land sucks in the fog from far out on the water, friends dissipate as obligations become null, and my general apathy about summer is at its strongest. But May? Never.  My mom would always quip around this time of year…

concatenation: march 23

Being able to draw was once a dream of mine. Corners of my childhood bedroom are still lined with discarded sketches of characters that unintentionally look like knock-off piñatas. I would spend hours online watching “how to draw Olaf” or “make flowers look real,” but quickly lost interest as soon as the petals fell or…

concatenation: january 23

art by skye schoenhoeft In March of 2019, I made a playlist with new music I found that month. It wasn’t curated, it wasn’t ordered, it was just songs I liked, in the arrangement I found them in. No matter what has happened, I have stitched something together to remember each month since.  Often, looking…