Maybe the massive ego you’ve grown from telling people you’re an engineering major is starting to wear off, or maybe there are so many vegans around Los Angeles that you no longer feel special.
Maybe the massive ego you’ve grown from telling people you’re an engineering major is starting to wear off, or maybe there are so many vegans around Los Angeles that you no longer feel special.
From hookups in the station to name-dropping crushes, UCLA sure had a lot to confess to our Radio booth. Here’s all the juicy, nasty, slightly concerning confessions and intrusive thoughts you’ve been waiting for. Hear how our Digi Press Winterns break down the dirt you’ve given them. We asked you to meet us in the…
Spring is all about defrosting, rebirth, and new beginnings. What do you need to do as we move into the new season? What ground are you preparing for the seeds you’ll plant? What changes are you wanting to make? As Digital Press’s end-of-the-quarter project is aptly titled, the word “chrysalis” is marked by the theme…
Here’s my final advice: I’d probably try out our last names together a few times, engage in a passionate flirtation during intern class, and then completely lose interest once I realize he’s as one-dimensional as a smart board.
Junior year of high school, I was driving around with my best friend, depleting both the gas tank and our day. Pulling into the In-N-Out, they turned to me and said, “I found this song—let me just play it.” Innocently, I shrugged. The speaker muttered “My face is the front of shop,” stirring the air…
For the average museum-goer, looking at art is a passive experience – concerned mainly with the aesthetic presentation of what we see before us. However, taking a critical approach to the diversity of artists represented reveals the insidious and exclusionary practices that exist in many “respected” institutions, including The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New…
Featured Art by Shahzaad Raja “I have always thought that if women’s hair posed so many problems, God would certainly have made us bald.” This quote, taken from Marjane Satrapi’s critically acclaimed graphic novel Persepolis, reflects the sentiment of younger Satrapi as she’s forced to navigate the complex prism of childhood while simultaneously growing up…
Whether it’s a song that shrouded a memory or a movie that opens new perspectives, the media we interact influences us, adding new depths and colors to our already eventful lives. Romance, existentialism, a need to dance one’s heart out on the way to class, and many more stories come together as our writers reflect…
Our Digital Press writers highlight their favorite media from this year
In the following vignettes, our Digital Press writers explore the role of physical media in their lives.